Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 and Waldorf Microwave XT Samples!

Sequential Circuits Prophet 5

Allow me to nerd the hell out please. The Prophet 5 was one of the first commercial polyphonic synthesizers available; it was released in 1978. Such an awesome sound thick sound. Hopefully one day I’ll have some Prophet ’08 PE samples available. So, check out the Prophet 5 Zaps pack, it’s one shot samples!

Also available for download are a few Waldorf Microwave XT kits: Echos and Sweeps. All of these were originally on the forums for registered users, so, you might have them already. These will also be available on the sound samples page shortly. The rest from the old forums coming soon, such as the JP-8000 packs. Enjoy.

Waldorf Microwave XT Sound Samples

Well, I am back sooner than expected with even more Waldorf Microwave XT Samples, a continuation from the previous entry. I have been getting some great sounds out of it lately, working the XT much like a an old school analog modular synth. Digital, strange and evil sounds have been emanating quite easily from this orange monster. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did making them.

New Waldorf Microwave XT Samples, Site Update

Waldorf Microwave XT

The Orange Wavetable Monster!

Well, it’s been quite a while since there has been new samples uploaded to Blue Distortion. As much as I would like to keep up with this site, it unfortunately sits on the back burner for long periods of time. I do apologize for that. More importantly, I would like to apologize to all of those that have emailed us in the last few months with tracks for the podcast. I haven’t been updating it recently.

I am currently working on writing a system that will streamline the submission process and make it much easier to add tunes to the podcast. Till then, please hold tight. Now, finally, on to the new Waldorf Microwave XT samples.