Tag: Ambient
Andy Stott – Butterflies
Deru – 1979 (full album)
骨架的 – Skeleton
Very spooky vaporwave™ you can really get into.
Geotic – Mend is Amazing
I have been listening to Geotic – Mend for quite a while and it is still one of my favorite albums. Even though it’s extremely minimal, I could listen to it nearly every night and not get sick of it. Fell in love with it in 2013 getting lost in downtown Coral Gables.
Geotic is a side project from Will Wiesenfeld, more widely known for his work as Baths and Post-Foetus. He is supposed to be releasing a new Baths album sometime 2014. The album Mend is very slow, ambient melodies (mostly guitar) painted over cleverly processed distortions.
You can download Geotic – Mend the entire album and many more for free here. Update: First Geocities, now Angelfire? Why do you take all the good sites away internet? Luckily, you can download it here in addition to his new albums. Dope.
(blouseusa): 4000 World Games
Today we have a short ambient piece from (blouseusa) who resides in Seattle. I’m really digging this sound. You can download the entire album for free on the Bandcamp site below, check it out!
Podcast: Download (1.5MB)
Petar Alargic: T 4-05

Petar Alargic – Ambitronika L1
Our latest song for the podcast comes from the album Ambitronika L1 produced by Petar Alargic and released on November 20th 2010. Very cool tune, reminds me a bit of Lowercase Noises more ambient works. You can find more information about Petar Alargic at the following sites, enjoy!
petaralargic.com | facebook.com/petar.alargic
Podcast: Download (4.5MB)