Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists have created a portrait of a DNA-snipping protein called Cas9 that reveals how the enzyme reshapes itself when it associates with an RNA molecule, creating a channel that lets it find and cleave its DNA target. The protein-RNA complex is a key component of a primitive bacterial immune system called CRISPR, and is also being used by researchers to cut specific DNA sequences in the laboratory for genome editing applications.
Category: Synthesizer
Documentation of electronic musical instruments that uses filters and tone generators to create waveforms which are then processed to generate sound.
Wasp Vintage Synth
Check this freaking thing out.
Vintage Moog Modular on eBay, Blue Distortion sucks
So, not even one post in 2012. How freaking pathetic is this blog. “Just let it die already!” you’re screaming. Who am I kidding, no one is reading this. I only have time for doing tweets lately (@bluedistortion – follow me bro!). I also spend a lot of time eating cookies.
Life is crazy and cookies are delicious.
Anyhow, I thought this was awesome–there’s been a vintage Moog Modular on eBay for what looks to be over a month now. The best part? It’s only $60,000. So sexy. Worth it to go and check out the pictures. It’s in amazing condition. Imagine all of the people you could impress with this thing (ladies?).
This multi-generational Moog system has the following modules included: 901, 901A, 3-901B, 4-902, 903, 2-904A, 904B, 907A, 4-911, 911A, 921, 951, 960, 961CP, 962CP, 984, 991, custom 994 (3x), 2-CP3A, CP4A, upgraded CP8A.
Update: the vintage Moog Modular is gone from eBay forever! So, in it’s place, here is a vintage E-mu Modular on eBay! One day this will be gone too and you will click and feel empty inside. Link
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 and Waldorf Microwave XT Samples!
Allow me to nerd the hell out please. The Prophet 5 was one of the first commercial polyphonic synthesizers available; it was released in 1978. Such an awesome sound thick sound. Hopefully one day I’ll have some Prophet ’08 PE samples available. So, check out the Prophet 5 Zaps pack, it’s one shot samples!
Also available for download are a few Waldorf Microwave XT kits: Echos and Sweeps. All of these were originally on the forums for registered users, so, you might have them already. These will also be available on the sound samples page shortly. The rest from the old forums coming soon, such as the JP-8000 packs. Enjoy.
Emu e5000 Ultra Sampler For Sale! (Tampa Bay)
I’m trying to sell my Emu e5000 Ultra Sampler in the Tampa Bay area with sample discs for $199! It’s in perfect working condition and has always been kept in a smoke free studio! It has a 12GB internal hard drive (upgraded), 128MB RAM (upgraded), a Glyph SCSI CD-ROM drive and comes with 15 sample discs!
It has amazing filters, routing and patching capabilities. I helped put together a list of the sources and destinations for the routing capabilities here.
I hope someone locally will purchase this, I would hate to have to put it up on Ebay (and charge for shipping).
Sold, thanks Chris!
Waldorf Microwave XT Sound Samples
Well, I am back sooner than expected with even more Waldorf Microwave XT Samples, a continuation from the previous entry. I have been getting some great sounds out of it lately, working the XT much like a an old school analog modular synth. Digital, strange and evil sounds have been emanating quite easily from this orange monster. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did making them.
New Waldorf Microwave XT Samples, Site Update
Well, it’s been quite a while since there has been new samples uploaded to Blue Distortion. As much as I would like to keep up with this site, it unfortunately sits on the back burner for long periods of time. I do apologize for that. More importantly, I would like to apologize to all of those that have emailed us in the last few months with tracks for the podcast. I haven’t been updating it recently.
I am currently working on writing a system that will streamline the submission process and make it much easier to add tunes to the podcast. Till then, please hold tight. Now, finally, on to the new Waldorf Microwave XT samples.
Alesis Micron Sound Samples
Sorry for the lack of updates in the last couple of months, our server got the Avian Flu. It got better, though. I got to sample an Alesis Micron a few weeks ago. The Micron is an 8 polyphony synthesizer which uses the ION analog-modeling sound engine. It has a nice lofi sound. The presets are a combination of Korg MS2000 style strings and techno drum arpeggiations. Nice little synth for the price, but, would prefer more knobs.
Here are a couple of sample packs which can also be found on the sound samples page. The first sample pack consists of edited drum hits from drum loops on the Micron. The second is a mix of dirty electronic growls.
Propellerhead ReBirth Free Download, Torrent!
Propellerheads Software has released ReBirth for free! You can download this program at the ReBirth Museum, a website setup to illustrate the history, community and development of ReBirth. It looks like Propellerheads will be focusing on Reason now.

The Propellerhead’s Rebirth Software Synthesizer.
On September 1, 2005, Propellerhead Software announced that the era or ReBirth had come to an end and create the Rebirth Museum to commemorate its history. Visitors are welcome to tour the website, learn about it’s developers and community, and take home a special memento: ReBirth RB 338- itself!
Buchla 200e Modular, Moog Synthesizer Demo

The 200e Modular Synth.
On this week’s podcast from Science Friday, Ira Flatow hosted a segment about Remembering Bob Moog. Check out the article or listen to the mp3 download. Some of the highlights are discussed below. The guest on the show was Lawrence Fritts, who is the director of the Electronic Music Studios at The University of Iowa.
He pointed out that there was actually simultaneous development of the first voltage controlled modular synthesizer at the same time as Bob Moog was working on the Moog Modular. On the other side of America, Don Buchla was busy with his own modular synth creation. Buchla and Moog had agreed to share credit for the development of the modular synth. A quick peak of Buchla’s site, I found this gem, the 200e Electric Music Box.
Podcast: Download (6.8MB)