New Waldorf Microwave XT Samples, Site Update

Waldorf Microwave XT

The Orange Wavetable Monster!

Well, it’s been quite a while since there has been new samples uploaded to Blue Distortion. As much as I would like to keep up with this site, it unfortunately sits on the back burner for long periods of time. I do apologize for that. More importantly, I would like to apologize to all of those that have emailed us in the last few months with tracks for the podcast. I haven’t been updating it recently.

I am currently working on writing a system that will streamline the submission process and make it much easier to add tunes to the podcast. Till then, please hold tight. Now, finally, on to the new Waldorf Microwave XT samples.

Submit Your Electronic Music to the Blue Distortion Podcast

Blue Distortion is now accepting submitted mp3s into the electronic music podcast! If you are interested in getting some exposure on our podcast, send us some links to mp3s on the submission form.

In other news, Blue Distortion is now two years old! Stay tuned for more sound samples, music, artwork and photography in the upcoming year. Have a great new year!

Buchla 200e Modular, Moog Synthesizer Demo

Buchla 200e Modular Synth

The 200e Modular Synth.

On this week’s podcast from Science Friday, Ira Flatow hosted a segment about Remembering Bob Moog. Check out the article or listen to the mp3 download. Some of the highlights are discussed below. The guest on the show was Lawrence Fritts, who is the director of the Electronic Music Studios at The University of Iowa.

He pointed out that there was actually simultaneous development of the first voltage controlled modular synthesizer at the same time as Bob Moog was working on the Moog Modular. On the other side of America, Don Buchla was busy with his own modular synth creation. Buchla and Moog had agreed to share credit for the development of the modular synth. A quick peak of Buchla’s site, I found this gem, the 200e Electric Music Box.