Category: Music
Documenting music from various genres, some created by members of the Blue Distortion network. Click here to go to our music page.
Forest Swords – Engravings (full album)
Deru – 1979 (full album)
骨架的 – Skeleton
Very spooky vaporwave™ you can really get into.
Napolian / Computer Dreams
Tom Cruise was recently asked, “What’s your favorite album and also is this album your inspiration for denouncing Scientology?”
Brand new flavors, same comforting aesthetic. Taste the happy.
Geotic – Mend is Amazing
I have been listening to Geotic – Mend for quite a while and it is still one of my favorite albums. Even though it’s extremely minimal, I could listen to it nearly every night and not get sick of it. Fell in love with it in 2013 getting lost in downtown Coral Gables.
Geotic is a side project from Will Wiesenfeld, more widely known for his work as Baths and Post-Foetus. He is supposed to be releasing a new Baths album sometime 2014. The album Mend is very slow, ambient melodies (mostly guitar) painted over cleverly processed distortions.
You can download Geotic – Mend the entire album and many more for free here. Update: First Geocities, now Angelfire? Why do you take all the good sites away internet? Luckily, you can download it here in addition to his new albums. Dope.
Blue Distortion’s Music Projects
I finally put up all of the albums! Blue Distortion, Recipher and Faded Nimbus.
Also, my muscles hurt from retro aerobics.
James Brown, Sampled to Death

James Brown, lol.
James Brown is a household name, one of the godfathers of funk and soul. He was admitted into the Emory Crawford Long Hospital with ‘severe pneumonia’ yesterday and passed away around 1:45 AM this morning. He was 73 years old.
It is safe to say that James Brown rode the downward spiral in the last few decades. He was repeated arrested for drug possession and domestic abuse. For example, did you know James Brown spent 3 years in prison for threatening pedestrians with firearms while high on PCP? It’s the classic case of genius that self destructs into malignity. It’s easy to give respect when considering what he has done for music, but, in most cases his dark persona proceeds him.
Submit Your Electronic Music to the Blue Distortion Podcast
Blue Distortion is now accepting submitted mp3s into the electronic music podcast! If you are interested in getting some exposure on our podcast, send us some links to mp3s on the submission form.
In other news, Blue Distortion is now two years old! Stay tuned for more sound samples, music, artwork and photography in the upcoming year. Have a great new year!